The Mitchell Scholarship

The Irish Government, via the Department of Further and Higher Education, provides annual support and matches contributions, up to 20 million euros, to the Mitchell Scholarship endowment.
The institutions of higher learning on the island of Ireland are partners in the Mitchell Scholarship Program.
Dublin Institute of Technology
The Mitchell Scholarship Program wishes to thank the following for their generous contributions:
Hirevue, provides the video element of our interview process.
The Abbey Theatre, Ireland's national theater, provides Mitchell Scholars with tickets to its performance.
Glenstal Abbey, a Benedictine monastery in Murroe Co. Limerick, welcomes the Mitchells every year for a magical visit.
Paul Hayes and Mary Calpin annually sponsor Thanksgiving dinner in Dublin for the Mitchells.
Northern Ireland's National Trust provides Mitchell Scholars with entrance to places of historic interest and natural beauty in Northern Ireland.
The Royal Irish Academy grants Mitchell Scholars access to its on Dawson Street in Dublin.
The Doyle Collection for their steadfast support throughout the life of the organization!