The Mitchell Scholarship

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How many applications do you receive each year?
We receive an average of 350 applications annually.
How many Mitchell Scholarships are awarded each year?
Up to twelve Mitchell Scholarships are awarded annually.
Do I have to be Irish American to apply?
No. The Mitchell Scholarship Program openly welcomes and encourages applicants of all ethnic, racial, religious, and political backgrounds.
I am a U.S. citizen but also hold citizenship in another country. Am I eligible for a Mitchell Scholarship?
Yes, U.S. citizens who hold dual citizenship are eligible to apply provided they meet all other eligibility criteria.
Does it matter if a candidate has previously studied in Ireland?
Previous or current study in Ireland will not preclude us from selecting a candidate as a Mitchell Scholar. The Selection Committee's overriding interest is in an applicant's record of scholarship, leadership, and service.
Can I apply for other scholarships, like the Marshall and the Rhodes?
Yes, Mitchell applicants may also apply for other awards, including the Marshall and Rhodes Scholarships. However, if you are offered a final interview for the Mitchell Scholarship, we will require that you withdraw from other scholarship competitions (Rhodes, Marshall, and Schwartzman included) before we will confirm your status as a finalist. We only interview 20 people for 12 spots so all 20 must be committed to this program.
You may need to decide whether to accept a finalist interview with the Mitchell Scholarship, without knowing your standing in other competitions. We urge you to carefully consider which scholarship most closely aligns with your interests, goals, and qualifications. The Mitchell Scholarship was created to connect future American leaders to the island of Ireland, and we are only interested in those who intend to continue a relationship with the island, our organization, and our alumni community after the Mitchell Scholarship year. If that is not your intention, please do not apply for the Mitchell Scholarship.
We encourage everyone, if forced to choose between scholarship opportunities, to take your chances with the scholarship that you most want.
Is financial need a consideration?
No. Financial need is not a factor in the selection process.
Can an unsuccessful candidate reapply?
Yes, all eligible candidates may reapply. The candidate, however, must submit a new application, with updated supporting letters and materials.
Is the Mitchell Scholarship only available to students interested in Irish Studies or an Irish-specific topic?
No, a Mitchell Scholar may study any academic discipline offered in a degree or certificate program at an institution of higher learning in Ireland or Northern Ireland. The wide range of academic interests among Scholars -- from computer science to biotechnology to international relations to economics to theater -- illustrates the vast opportunities for post-graduate study available on the island.
Why are you offering to send my resumé to corporate sponsors and the universities on the island? Will my application be penalized if I don't agree to this? Are you getting me a job if I don't get the scholarship?
You will find a question in the Personal Information section of the application asking if you are interested in having us send your resumé to our corporate sponsors for potential employment opportunities. We also ask if we may share your resumé with the universities on the island for other possible scholarship opportunities. Your participation is completely optional and has absolutely no bearing on the success of your application for the Mitchell Scholarship. We do not review the resumés as part of the Mitchell Scholarship application process, so if you do not want us to forward your resumé, then do not upload it. At the end of the application cycle, we will forward the resumés of those applicants who gave us permission to do so.
We offer this opportunity to each applicant who submits a complete application, not just for Mitchell Scholarship finalists or recipients. We understand that your credentials may interest a company, regardless of whether you meet the criteria of the Mitchell Scholarship Program. This is an effort on our part to provide extra opportunities for applicants and is consistent with our mission of increasing connections with the Island of Ireland.
Can a Mitchell Scholar work during the academic year?
In Ireland and Northern Ireland, international students may work part-time during the academic year and full-time during vacation periods. The Scholar's respective university can provide details about employment permits. The Mitchell Scholarship Program provides sufficient resources during the academic year, and therefore we advise against outside employment to enable Scholars to fully participate in their Mitchell year.
Can my spouse/partner accompany me during my Mitchell year?
While married applicants or applicants with partners are accepted, no allowance is provided for the expenses of an applicant’s spouse, partner, or dependents. It is important to note that the relevant government agency in Ireland or Northern Ireland may require spouses/partners who are non-EU citizens to prove financial resources for the year to obtain the necessary visa or permit.
Housing during the academic year is provided by the universities on the island and they do not offer couple or family housing. If you wish to bring a spouse/partner, you will have to obtain off-campus housing at your own expense.