The Mitchell Scholarship

Statement of the US-Ireland Alliance on the George J. Mitchell Scholarship program

13 March 2025, Arlington VA


The US-Ireland Alliance announced today that the George J. Mitchell Scholarship program, which was paused last year, will remain paused.


The Mitchell Scholars Class of 2025 is presently studying at universities in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Last year’s decision meant that a class, that would have graduated in 2026, was not selected. Today’s announcement means a Class of 2027 also will not be selected.


The decision was made as the Alliance continues to seek financial support for the endowment of the prestigious post-graduate program, which sends future American leaders to the island of Ireland. The Irish Government has failed to address the Alliance’s endowment requests.


Trina Vargo, president of the US-Ireland Alliance said, “Regrettably, previous Taoisigh (Prime Ministers) have made positive public statements that are not matched by what we are told in meetings with officials in the Department of Further and Higher Education (DFHERIS).  In November, prior to his becoming Taoiseach, Micheál Martin acknowledged that the program had insufficient funds from the outset.  We welcome that recognition, and it is still our hope that the Irish Government will endow the program.”


Alliance leaders are also holding conversations with potential philanthropists about endowing the program.


Charts, linked at the bottom of the announcement last year detail the George Mitchell Scholarship program’s numbers relative to similar scholarships and why it is imperative for the program to have a sufficient endowment.


The other activities of the US-Ireland Alliance will continue as usual, as will Mitchell Scholarship alumni activities. Last month, the Alliance held the 19th annual Oscar Wilde Awards in Los Angeles, drawing together leaders in the film industry in the US, Ireland, and Northern Ireland to promote ties in the entertainment industries, as well as celebrate Irish and Irish-American talent.  John C. Reilly, Éanna Hardwicke, producer Frank Marshall, and Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy were honored.  The Alliance will also hold two educational cycling trips on the Ireland/Northern Ireland border in 2026 and has created a young fellows program for mid-level professionals. 


Any updates on the scholarship program will be on the Alliance’s website at