The Mitchell Scholarship

Once selected, each Mitchell Scholar must 1) sign a general liability release, 2) provide emergency contact information, 3) submit a medical clearance form, and 4) agree to the US-Ireland Alliance Code of Conduct conditions.
The medical clearance includes both a medical history and a medical examination form signed by a licensed medical doctor, who can attest to the Scholar's ability to successfully complete a year abroad. The program will not arrange your travel to the island until you complete and submit these forms to the Mitchell Scholarship Director.
Once the paperwork is complete, the Mitchell Scholarship Director will take each scholar through the matriculation process with his or her university program on the island. The Mitchell Scholarship Program will assist each scholar with departure dates, travel to the island, housing options, and internship opportunities in the Scholar’s area of interest.
Each Mitchell Scholar class will attend an orientation before departure, and we will give Scholars special annual passes that grant free admission or services from various supporting organizations on the island.
What financial benefits do Mitchell Scholars receive?
The Mitchell Scholarship Program provides full tuition, housing (on-campus, when available), and a monthly living stipend (currently $1250 USD) from September through May of the academic year. Carefully review the programs to which you are applying -- a Mitchell Scholar is responsible for any expenses incurred after May 31. The US-Ireland Alliance pays for one round-trip airline ticket between the United States and Ireland, provided that the Alliance approves the flight. Any baggage, beyond what the plane ticket permits, is the responsibility of the Scholar. The Mitchell Scholarship Program does not provide any financial benefits beyond what is listed here.
Each Mitchell Scholar is responsible for providing his or her own health insurance coverage for the year abroad. In Ireland insurance coverage is required to obtain the residency permit and Scholars will need to secure their own health insurance. In the UK, enrollment in the NHS is provided as part of the UK visa and no additional insurance is required.
What fees should a Mitchell Scholar expect to pay?
Mitchell Scholars studying in Ireland should expect to pay a one-time Garda (police) fee upon registration in the country. The fee is approximately €300 and is required to apply for the Irish Residence Permit. You can find up-to-date information on cost and procedures here: For Northern Ireland, Scholars should expect to pay about £363 as a visa fee. For more information, see:
There is also a health surcharge for the UK, which is about £470 for students. For information on the current cost, see:
Mitchell Scholars should not pay any university fees without first checking with the Mitchell Scholarship Director. There are some additional out-of-pocket fees depending on where a Mitchell Scholar studies. The Scholar may choose to cover these fees with the stipend funds. The institutions of higher learning on the island waive tuition and provide housing. Summer housing is available at the sole discretion of each university. The living stipend is intended to provide for food and basic living costs, including the ability to travel around the island, and covers September through May of the academic year.
What events/activities am I required to attend as a Mitchell Scholar?
Four times in the year, on assigned dates, the Mitchell Scholars must write a brief blog about their experience for the Mitchell Scholarship website.
Attendance is mandatory at several Mitchell Scholarship program events including:
1) A pre-departure orientation in the Washington, D.C. area.
2) A welcome weekend/orientation in Dublin in September of the Mitchell year.
3) A mid-year retreat in Northern Ireland (usually in February).
4) A commencement weekend in Ireland at the end of the Mitchell year (usually mid to late May).
What is expected of Mitchell Scholars after their Mitchell year?
Becoming a Mitchell Scholar means joining a community of Scholars who are committed to a continuing relationship with the Mitchell community, the US-Ireland Alliance, and the island of Ireland.
The US-Ireland Alliance expects Mitchell Scholars to remain connected to the island of Ireland, become active members of our non-profit organization, and participate in the alumni Mitchell Scholar community. We urge applicants to consider this before applying. If you are just looking for a program to pay for your graduate degree, this is not the program for you.
Mitchell Scholars must remain in good standing in their designated programs at their institutions of higher learning on the island and in accordance with that school’s code of conduct. Your acceptance of the scholarship grants the US-Ireland Alliance the right to confirm with these institutions that you are in good standing. We may revoke the scholarship if you are not in good standing with your designated university or if you fail to abide by our code of conduct.