The Mitchell Scholarship

Mitchell Scholars may study or conduct research at the graduate level at institutions of higher learning on the island of Ireland.
In applying for a Mitchell Scholarship, the application provides a drop-down selection list of universities to which an applicant may apply.
Dublin City University
Technological University Dublin
Galway University
National University of Ireland Maynooth
Queen's University Belfast
Trinity College Dublin
University College Cork
University College Dublin
University of Limerick
Ulster University
The following is provided to give students a general idea about the universities and the fields of study Mitchell Scholars may pursue. You should contact institutions directly to obtain additional information about the programs that interest you. Prior to applying, review the academic institutions to determine if your plan of study is feasible, and to ensure they you have the undergraduate background for your proposed programs.
EDUCATION IN IRELAND is a searchable database of programs available to international students. It is a tremendous resource and can aid in your research regarding program and university selection. In addition, each of the Irish and Northern Irish universities has a webpage listing the available one-year post-graduate programs at their schools.
Do I need to apply to the institution of higher learning in Ireland or Northern Ireland prior to the Mitchell Scholar application process?
A candidate does not apply directly for admission to the university program in Ireland or Northern Ireland. If a candidate is selected as a Mitchell Scholar, the Mitchell Scholarship Program assigns the Scholar to a course of study and to a university based off those listed in the application. Our Program then forwards the Scholar's materials to the university. After selection, some Scholars may need to upload materials into the university’s online systems, however, that should mainly involve cut and paste.
How many higher education institutions in Ireland and/or Northern Ireland should a candidate list as choices? What if an applicant is only interested in one university?
Applicants should list at least three different institutions and may list up to five. Institutional balance is a factor in the placement of Scholars at universities on the island, so an applicant's prospects are enhanced by indicating multiple university preferences. Listing multiple programs at the same institution is not equivalent to listing different institutions and does not bolster an application.
An applicant who lists just one or two institutional preferences weakens his or her chances of selection as a Mitchell Scholar. In some rare instances, a certain program may be offered at only one institution without comparable options elsewhere. We will take that into account when reviewing your application.
Candidates are not guaranteed their first-choice university and should only list those programs they would happily attend. We advise against listing only one university with the hope that if you only choose one, we will have to send you there. Listing only one university decreases the likelihood that you will move forward in the process. As noted above, there are exceptions to this rule.
Once an application is submitted, applicants may not amend their university or program choices. Applicants should thoroughly research their options, in advance of applying, to make sure they are satisfied with their program/university choices and have thought carefully about the order in which those preferences are listed on the application.
The Mitchell Scholarship program provides housing/tuition/living stipends from September through May of an academic year. If your requires you to remain on the island after that time, you are responsible for any expenses incurred.
How does an applicant decide on preferences for universities and proposed graduate programs?
Each applicant is responsible for doing the research necessary to identify university preferences. Applicants should examine university websites and may want to consult with department chairs, faculty, or registrars at the universities in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Faculty and fellowship offices at an applicant's current college or university may also provide guidance. An applicant must have the requisite undergraduate background for the proposed program.
Please also look carefully at the courses within the programs you are considering. You do not want to choose programs that will just repeat the work you did as an undergraduate. A Mitchell Scholar may study any academic discipline offered in a degree or certificate program at an institution of higher learning on the island. How that degree program is taught — blended-learning experience or traditional lectures — does not affect the eligibility of the program for the Mitchell Scholarship. Make the choice based on your learning style and which program will best suit your needs.
Applicants should carefully research prospective programs to determine the required period of residence; some master's programs require two years of study, and the Mitchell Scholarship Program provides support for only September through May of one academic year. You may attend a multiple year program if you are willing to fund your extended time on the island.
Is there any possibility of extending the Mitchell Scholarship for a second year of study?
No, the Mitchell Scholarship Program provides funding for one academic year (September through May). The universities on the island are usually able to extend a Mitchell Scholars’ housing through the summer if needed, however, the Mitchell Scholarship Program does not provide any financial support after the end of May.
Can a candidate pursue a graduate program in Ireland unrelated to his/her undergraduate major?
Possibly, but an applicant must meet the prerequisites of the chosen program of study.
Does a selected Scholar need a permit/visa to study in Ireland/Northern Ireland?
All Mitchell Scholars must secure the appropriate student permit to study in the Ireland/visa for Northern Ireland and are responsible for all associated costs. Mitchell Scholars must secure these permits for study in Ireland within 90 days of arriving in Ireland. For Northern Ireland, Mitchell Scholars must secure their visas in advance of departing for their Mitchell year. This visa is expensive because it includes health insurance coverage (with the UK NHS).
The academic institutions provide Mitchell Scholars with various types of living accommodation (meals are not included). Accommodations in general, are in a shared apartment in a dedicated, on-campus development, or in an individual room in a Residence Hall.