The Mitchell Scholarship
US-Ireland Alliance President Trina Vargo gathered with Mitchell Scholars and their friends and family, in the Boston area. The group was represented by a Scholar from the program's first class (2001) Tommy Vitolo, now an elected Representative in the State House in Massachusetts, as well as three Scholars who will head to Ireland in fall: Minhal Ahmed (UCC), Mitchell Polonsky (The Lir/Trinity) and Rachel Petherbridge (UCC).
Many Boston-area Mitchells are studying or working in medicine and policy. Those present included Matt Baum (MD/PhD, MIT), Mark Brennan, (PhD, Technology and Policy MIT), Theo Caputi (heading to the University of York in the UK before returning to MIT for a PhD in Health Economics), Byron Cohen (who will begin his MD/PhD at Harvard in the fall), Harry McNamara (Physics PhD at Harvard and Health Sciences and Technology at MIT), and current Harvard medical students Lacey Smith and Carla Winter.
Photos available here.